EUPHORIA Value Proposition and Benefits


The delivery of the EUPHORIA project will provide wide access to MSOT technology for IBD. This could offer a variety of benefits to patients, doctors and hospitals as well as payors, healthcare systems and society. It is the aim of the EUPHORIA project to confirm or further evaluate the statements below:


  • Reduced discomfort and decreased risk of complications: IBD patients undergo repeated invasive endoscopies. Replacing these with non-invasive MSOT makes the monitoring and treatment of IBD less unpleasant, as well as reducing the risk of complications.

  • Better quality of life due to better treatment management: Replacing endoscopies with MSOT enables more frequent monitoring, faster treatment adjustment and hence better patient health in the long run, including reduced need for surgical treatment and disability.

  • More convenient: MSOT is fast, contrast agent-free, requires no preparation time and can be conducted in an office-based setting. Other treatments, such as X-ray CT, MR enteroscopy or endoscopy all require intake of large amounts of contrast agent and bowel cleaning, patient sedation and an accompanying carer.

Physicians and hospitals

  • Easy and fast procedure: MSOT is a fast process that can be performed directly by the gastroenterologist at the bedside, or by a doctor in an office or primary care setting. There is no need for extensive patient preparation, and there is no need to involve hospital departments, such as radiology or anesthesiology.

  • Possibility to carry out the process in an office environment – no ward needed.

  • Cheaper than x-ray CT or MRI imaging, with lower purchase costs and maintenance.

  • Better capability to show inflammatory activity than existing non-invasive modalities.

  • Suitable for frequent follow-up, including combined hospital/out-patient care models.

Payors and health care systems

  • Cost savings from replacing endoscopy with MSOT scans and avoidance of complications.

  • Cost savings from stopping ineffective treatments earlier.

  • Cost savings on late stage disease due to reduction in complications, hospitalizations and surgery from better patient management; this also leads to a reduction in cost for the economy as a whole.

  • More efficient use of limited specialist and clinical expertise and facilities.

  • Better outcomes leading to greater societal involvement, employment, savings in carer time, etc.