RFO is a UK-based leader in optical engineering and real-time processing systems. The company has over fifteen years’ experience in the creation of software for analysing large amounts of imaging data, e.g. from video cameras and multi-array detectors. RFO have worked with iThera in the past, on the analysis and visualisation of MSOT data streams.

The company designs and produces integrated system-level solutions based on state-of-the-art sensor technology, enhanced with advanced data acquisition and novel signal processing algorithms. In EUPHORIA, RFO will engage in software, graphical user interface, data inversion, quantification and data handling operations associated with the demanding image reconstruction requirements of the system.

Vassilis Sarantos is the CTO of Rayfos. He holds a Dipl.Eng. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He has more than 15 years of expertise in software and hardware development for real time metrology systems. Vassilis has successfully lead numerous product development projects for the global market. His research interests include real time image/video processing, embedded system development, software development, medical imaging, metrology system development.

George Georgakarakos holds a Dipl.Eng. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Patras, Greece and an MSc in Embedded Computing from University of Turku, Finland. He has participated in several EU co-funded research projects as researcher and/or project coordinator. His is experienced in embedded system design, real time image/video processing, many-core scalable architectures, metrology system design.