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About euphoria_admin

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So far euphoria_admin has created 58 blog entries.

iThera Medical reports initiation of fifth clinical site in EUPHORIA study for the non-invasive assessment of IBD

By |2022-06-22T08:41:19+01:00June 22nd, 2022|

Medical device company iThera Medical, our coordinator, announces that the fifth site has been initiated for the ongoing clinical study in the EUPHORIA project that aims to further develop the company’s proprietary optoacoustic imaging technology and demonstrate its clinical value in the assessment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The EUPHORIA (Enhancing Ultrasound and PHOtoacoustics for [...]

iThera produces EUPHORIA clinical study management video

By |2022-06-13T14:09:06+01:00June 13th, 2022|

EUPHORIA Coordinator iThera Medical have released a new video to showcase the processes behind managing a multi-centre international clinical study to measure inflammation using their  MSOT technologies. The video features Claudia Jendrewski who takes us through the planning stages of preparation for the EUPHORIA clinical study protocol and recruitment processes. Watch it here.   [...]

World IBD Day 2022- the EUPHORIA message

By |2022-05-19T07:00:13+01:00May 18th, 2022|

Our 2022 social media campaign on May 19th, #WorldIBDDay includes the messages above and below. Endoscopy is frequently used to monitor IBD, inflammatory bowel disease but can be uncomfortable and expensive. New research and technologies are needed to develop accurate, non-invasive alternatives. The EU-funded EUPHORIA study is doing just that. In EUPHORIA, hospitals in Germany [...]

Coordinator iThera Medical leads €1.6m project to develop machine learning-assisted optoacoustic imaging of neuromuscular disease

By |2022-05-17T20:48:34+01:00May 17th, 2022|

Congratulations to our coordinators iThera Medical who announced the kickoff of the technology innovation project SMART-3D funded by the Bavarian Research Foundation, Commencing on May 1st, 2022, the new project aims to develop a novel, innovative approach to monitoring neuromuscular disease in pediatric patients through the company’s proprietary optoacoustic imaging technology and next-generation 3D image [...]

The EUPHORIA study highlighted in German IBD patient advocacy magazine, Bauchredner

By |2022-05-09T11:20:41+01:00May 9th, 2022|

The Deutsche Morbus Crohn's/Colitis Ulcerosa Vereinigung, or DCCV ( highlighted the EUPHORIA study in their February 2021 publication, Bauchredner. The five-page article can be downloaded here, or read in the images below. The German Crohn's Disease/Ulcerative Colitis Association (DCCV) eV is the patient advocacy association for over 400,000 people with chronic inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD ) in [...]

iThera presents at EPIC Meeting on Laser, Optics and Sensors for Medical Devices

By |2022-06-24T13:47:34+01:00April 25th, 2022|

Photonics is a key enabling technology to understand diseases, get a better diagnosis and achieve a better therapy. The EPIC Meeting on Laser, Optics and Sensors for Medical Devices at Laser World of Photonics will take place on April 28th, 2022 in Munich. The principal aim of this meeting is to discuss the current demands, [...]

iThera Medical exhibits EUPHORIA research at EMIM 2022

By |2022-03-21T14:36:45+00:00March 21st, 2022|

Last week iThera Medical, EUPHORIA's coordinators, exhibited at the 17th European Molecular Imaging Meeting,  EMIM 2022. Partners at iThera discussed the EUPHORIA clinical study with optoacoustic imaging users working with models and patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The meeting was hosted in Thessaloniki, Greece from March 15th through 18th. Browse the meeting programme and [...]

The EUPHORIA study features on the DCCV website!

By |2021-12-22T12:00:32+00:00December 22nd, 2021|

Through the European Federation of Crohn's & Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA),  an umbrella organisation representing 41 national Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis (collectively Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD) patient associations, we identified the German Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis Association (DCCV,, the advocacy organization for more than 400,000 people with chronic inflammatory bowel disease in [...]

iThera Medical discusses their business goals in relation to EU-partnerships in new video

By |2021-11-25T08:40:32+00:00November 25th, 2021|

In a new video, iThera Medical CEO Christian Wiest and CCO Philipp Bell discuss their R & D strategy and primary business goals in relation to the EU-funded projects EUPHORIA and STARSTEM (, Related Project, grant number 761214). They describe the criteria and key performance indicators they use to forge and evaluate university partnerships: the organizational structures, [...]

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